Thursday, October 31, 2019

Aeroflots global marketing approach in Russia & U.K Case Study

Aeroflots global marketing approach in Russia & U.K - Case Study Example No other industry is regulated such a degree on an international level. The aviation industry to still dominated by flag carriers, which have historically been molded by the political concerns of national governments but now are under threat from the low cost carriers. At a time of high competition, particularly on most profitable routes, the difficulties faced by airlines are compounded by the high exposure this industry from outside control. Volatility in fuel prices, war, international tourism, industrial action and the impact of illness such as SARS and Avian flu are some of the risks.The end of Soviet Union brought sweeping changes to the ownership and management of the industry with privatization and entry of new private businesses in the airline and airport sector. Presently only four commercial airlines -Aeroflot, Sibir, Pulkovo and UT Air - carry more than one million passengers a year. Aeroflot dominates the international market whilst in the domestic market it faces compet ition from the others (Sibir is the leading Russian domestic passenger carrier). Aeroflot provides 37.7% of the total seats supplied in the overall Russian-EU market with Lufthansa the next nearest carrier with 12.6%. As part of the privatization process, many of Aeroflot regional divisions became independent airlines and now compete with their former parent. Aeroflot is an open, joint stock company; with state owns 51% shares. Aeroflot flies to 126 destinations in 70 countries of the world. Russia has currently 215 registered airlines (267 in 2000), including 55 state-owned carriers, a number which is expected to decrease in the years to come with increased competition, more stringent governmental licensing procedures and the enforcement of higher safety requirements. Based on 2005 data, Aeroflot's share of the Russian airline market in terms of passengers carried would increase from 17% to about 35% on domestic routes and from 31% to 48% on international routes (i.e. from and to R ussia). In terms of total passengers carried on both domestic and international routes, Aeroflot will control a 41% market share vs. 23% on a stand-alone basis, with a huge gap between it and its nearest competitors - Sibir (12%), UTAir (5%) located in the oil-rich Khantimansiisk region, and VIM Avia (5%), a recently established charter carrier operating a fleet solely composed of foreign-made aircraft. Domestic expansion, in addition to bringing returns to scale, should have the effect of establishing domestic feeder routes that would ultimately provide a basis for renewed growth in Aeroflot's international business. 3. Standardization Vs. Adaptation: As a principal objective of the Russian government is to develop domestic air transport through major restructuring in order to increase efficiency and quality of services. The state would pay for the new shares with its stakes in the largest state-owned airlines: 100% state-owned Pulkovo, GTK Rossiya and Dalavia, Krasair (51%), Vladivostokavia (51%) and Sibir (25%). Aeroflot would hence end up with stakes in all of its major competitors, while the state would increase its ownership in Aeroflot. Aeroflot management and the state since late 2004 and was initially suggested as a way to increase the company's market capitalization. The larger free-float probably resulting in a higher market capitalization, the Russian flag carrier would also expand the scale of its operations on both international and domestic routes, which is important given

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

An entrepreneurial viewpoint ( F ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

An entrepreneurial viewpoint ( F ) - Essay Example Since I am a normal human I used intuition to execute decisions daily, however, as noted Flora (2007:68) this can lead to risk blindness and complacency. Besides, I came to learn that I could clearly utilize rule based reasoning which is characterized to being logical, deliberate, and being used to justify to other persons what needs to be done. Since I was a risk taker I did not experience problems with lateral thinking. This is because I had the capability to solve problems by means of indirect and creative approach, by making use of reasoning that is not directly obvious and incorporating ideas that may not be obtainable when using only traditional step-by-step logic. Flora (2007) asserts that a view shared by de Bono asserts that lateral thinking on purposefully distances itself from standard perceptions of creativity as either vertical logic or horizontal imagination. What I have learnt about myself is that since I exhibit appropriate entrepreneurial attributes. I am better suit ed to working in a conventionally structured organization, with conventional management

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Non-standard English: Usage and attitudes

Non-standard English: Usage and attitudes Introduction Spoken language is a powerful method of communication that conveys more than intended referential information. Depending on the listeners attitude, a speakers accent or dialect may imply a number of characteristics such as social class and professionalism. Examples of non-standard linguistic features are discussed under Task 1; followed by summaries of two studies under Task 2, which focus on attitudes towards West Indian Patois (Edwards, 1986) and the Cockney accent (Giles Sassoon, 1982). Task 1 Thats the girl he gave the bracelet to. This sentence contains a grammatical, non-standard linguistic feature because it ends with the preposition to. In Standard English, a preposition usually proceeds a noun, hence the sentence should read: Thats the girl to whom he gave the bracelet. However, there are cases where sentences sound unnatural if they are arranged in a way that avoids a final proposition. This is usually seen in conversational English, for example: in relative clauses and questions which feature phrasal verbs, passive constructions, and short sentences which feature an infinitive or verbal noun. Nonetheless, in formal writing, it is considered better practice to avoid placing a preposition at the end of a sentence where it may seem stranded. (Preposition, 2008) Buffy the vampire slayer is dead cool. This sentence contains a lexical, non-standard linguistic feature because dead functions as an adverb of degree, such as very; the sentence should read, Buffy the vampire slayer is very cool, or of a similar effect. Dead typically functions as an adjective, meaning no longer alive, and is used in contexts such as a dead bodyor a dead issue. It has therefore undergone semantic change, and its meaning has been broadened. (Dead, 2017) My old man gave me a set of wheels for my birthday. This sentence contains lexical, non-standard linguistic features because slang is used. My old man is a colloquial, informal noun phrase meaning ones father or a womans husband or boyfriend; set of wheels is also a colloquial, informal noun phrase meaning a motor vehicle, as opposed to a literal set of wheels. According to Standard English, the sentence should read: My father gave me a motor vehicle for my birthday. The phrases have thus undergone semantic change. (Old man, 2017) The guy that works in the bar is really nice. This sentence contains a lexical, non-standard linguistic feature due to the use of the informal noun, guy, meaning man (Guy, 2017). There is also a grammatical, nonstandard linguistic feature because, in Standard English, that should not be used as a relative pronoun when the antecedent is personal. A human antecedent is typically proceeded by who in a defining clause. An inanimate antecedent or a human but representative of a class is followed by that; for example, the chair that collapsed / the baby that laughed. In Standard English, the sentence should therefore read: The man who works in the bar is really nice. (That, 1998) Who did you see? This sentence contains a grammatical, non-standard linguistic feature because who is used in place of whom. In Standard English, who is a relative pronoun or an interrogative when it refers to the subject (who is there?). Whom is the objective form, hence the sentence should read: Whom did you see? However, the use of whom is declining and is often replaced by who in modern usage. (Who and whom, 2017) Task 2 A study of West Indian Patois, conducted by Viv Edwards (1986) A study of 45 British-born black adolescents in a West Midlands community (Edwards 1997: 409) reveals the attitudes of teachers and pupils towards West Indian Patois. Attitudes to Patois in the educational world are generally negative. The Association of Teachers of English to Pupils from Overseas (ATEPO 1970) describe West Indian language as babyish and lacking proper grammar (Edwards 1986: 25); the National Association of School Masters (1969) refer to West Indian language as a plantation English which is socially unacceptable and inadequate for communication (Edwards 1986: 25). These negative attitudes reflect some of the findings of Edwards (1986) West Midlands study. Conducted in Dudley, the study consisted of a judgement sample and comprised of 3 measures which were applied to the speech of 21 women and 24 men, aged between 16 and 23: frequency of Patois features, competence in Patois, and patterns of Patois usage. (Edwards 1997: 410). The studys findings are presented in 3 sets of interactions, as summarised below: Classroom Interaction, Pupil-Pupil Interactions and Pupil-Teacher Interactions. Classroom Interaction The stereotype that Patois speakers are limited to monolingualism was opposed by recordings of Black pupils using different language patterns in the classroom. Pupil-Pupil Interactions Contrary to the beliefs of the White community, Black pupils, who reduced the frequency and range of their nonstandard linguistic features, made a marked choice not to speak Standard English (despite their competence to speak both varieties). The use of Patois in the classroom was rare but virtually all black pupils could understand it, and used features in at least some situations. Within Black peer groups, it marked solidarity and acceptance; in mixed-raced groups, it functioned to exclude the White outsider. However, a few White pupils sought acceptance from Black friendship groups by using Patois, but their degree of competence varied. Some Black pupils responded with amusement and approval; most responded negatively to the White community for using a variety of English that was distinctively Black. Pupil-Teacher Interactions Black pupils used Patois to exclude their White teacher as means of defiance. Teachers then felt threatened when Patois was used in a confrontational way. Teachers who responded punitively elicited negative attitudes towards Patois. Other reports of teacher responses included learning nonstandard linguistic features in an attempt to understand Black dialect. Edwards (1997) concludes that teachers punitive responses and the use of Patois to exclude the White community are a reflection of the issues caused by negative attitudes towards nonstandard varieties of English. A study of Cockney, conducted by Howard Giles and Caroline Sassoon (1982) A study of a speakers accent and social class reveals the attitudes of 120 undergraduate listeners towards Cockney, in comparison to Received Pronunciation (RP). Based, on Ryan Sebastians (1980) study of the attitudes of middle class listeners towards Mexican-American in the USA, both studies were reminiscent of Lamberts (1967) matched-guise test and consisted of a tape-recording, followed by a questionnaire. Ryan Sebastian (1980) found that by disconfirming the listeners assumption of the accented speakers social class, their evaluations improved. Giles Sassoon (1982) referred to this as the Ryan Sebastian effect, which they later opposed in their hypothesis: awareness of a Cockney speakers social class would not attenuate significantly the unfavourable status associations commonly levied against nonstandard speech (pp. 306). The participants of the study (Ss) consisted of 63 males and 57 females, aged between 18 and 23. Ss heard 1 combination of a male students voice and social class information who was recorded reading two stimulus passages using RP and Cockney accents. The legitimacy of his bidialectal skills was assessed in a pilot study by 24 undergraduates. The studys dependant measures involved 5 small questionnaires, each consisting of 7-point rating scales and instructions. The questionnaires were: measures of Ss perception of the speakers social class, accent and formality of speech; social evaluation scales based on the speakers intelligence, success, friendliness and trustworthiness; belief similarity items which measured the extent that Ss agree[d] with the speaker on social issues such as the legislation of marijuana; social distance items which measured how close a relationship Ss were willing to have with the speaker; and social role items which determined Ss willingness to work with the speaker as subordinate to, superior over, or colleague with them (pp. 307). Ss were recorded in groups of up to 6 other undergraduates; they were handed the 5 questionnaires in the format of a response booklet with the social class information facing upwards. Once they had completed the task, they were debriefed and engaged in discussion. The results proved Giles Sassoons hypothesis; the awareness of the speakers middle class background did not prevent Ss from perceiving him as a low status evaluation when he used Cockney. Accent influenced the ratings on only 1 of 4 social issues; listeners shared more beliefs on the legislation of marijuana with the speaker when he used an RP accent; accent had no effect on social distance items; but the findings from the social role items showed that Ss preferred an RP speaker as their superordinate, and as a subordinate too (pp. 311). Giles Sassoon conclude that the awareness of a Cockney speakers middle class background does not prevent the stereotyped negative attitudes towards low status ratings (pp. 311). Conclusion The nonstandard linguistic features in Task 1 and the studies summarised in Task 2 portray several varieties of English. The mixed attitudes towards the widespread use of nonstandard linguistic features are a clear reflection of an ever-changing language. Word count: 1500 words References Allen, R. Fowler, H. (2008). Preposition. Pocket Fowlers Modern English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from Allen, R. Fowler, H. (2008). Who and whom. Pocket Fowlers Modern English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from Dead. (2017). Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford. Retrieved from Edwards, V. (1986). Language In A Black Community. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Edwards, V. (2007). Patois and the Politics of Protest: Black English in British Classrooms. In Coupland, N. Jaworski, A. Sociolinguistics: A Reader and Coursebook. (408-415). London: MacMillan Press. Fowler, H. Burchfield, R. (1998). That. The new Fowlers Modern English usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Giles, H. Sassoon, C. (1983). The effect of speakers accent, social class background and message style on British listeners social judgements. Language Communication, 3(3), 305-313. Guy. (2017). Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford. Retrieved from Lambert, W. E. (1967). A social psychology of bilingualism. Journal of Social Issues. 23, 91- 109. Old man. (2017). Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford. Retrieved from

Friday, October 25, 2019

Cause and Effect Essay - McDonalds Causes More Deaths than Terrorists

Cause and Effect Essay - McDonald's Causes More Deaths than Terrorists It was probably inevitable that one day people would start suing McDonald's for making them fat. That day came this summer, when New York lawyer Samuel Hirsch filed several lawsuits against McDonald's, as well as four other fast-food companies, on the grounds that they had failed to adequately disclose the bad health effects of their menus. One of the suits involves a Bronx teenager who tips the scale at 400 pounds and whose mother, in papers filed in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, said, "I always believed McDonald's food was healthy for my son." Uh-huh. And the tooth fairy really put that dollar under his pillow. But once you've stopped sniggering at our litigious society, remember that it once seemed equally ludicrous that smokers could successfully sue tobacco companies for their addiction to cigarettes. And while nobody is claiming that Big Macs are addictive -- at least not yet -- the restaurant industry and food packagers have clearly helped give many Americans the roly-poly shape they have today. This is not to say that the folks in the food industry want us to be fat. But make no mistake: When they do well economically, we gain weight. It wasn't always thus. There was a time when a trip to McDonald's seemed like a treat and when a small bag of French fries, a plain burger and a 12-ounce Coke seemed like a full meal. Fast food wasn't any healthier back then; we simply ate a lot less of it. How did today's oversized appetites become the norm? It didn't happen by accident or some inevitable evolutionary process. It was to a large degree the result of consumer manipulation. Fast food's marketing strategies, which make p... ...d McDonald's just suffered its first quarterly loss since the company went public 47 years ago. The obvious direction to go is down, toward what nutritional policymakers are calling "smart-sizing." Or at least it should be obvious, if food purveyors cared as much about helping Americans slim down as they would have us believe. Instead of urging Americans to "Get Active, Stay Active" -- Pepsi Cola's new criticism-deflecting slogan -- how about bringing back the 6.5-ounce sodas of the '40s and '50s? Or, imagine, as Critser does, the day when McDonald's advertises Le Petit Mac, made with high-grade beef, a delicious whole-grain bun and hawked by, say, Serena Williams. One way or another, as Americans wake up to the fact that obesity is killing nearly as many citizens as cigarettes are, jumbo burgers and super-size fries will seem like less of a bargain.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird: Childhood Experience Essay

A kid or a teenager who has experienced maybe a family death or witnessed a terrible event might become more mature because their experience made them more mature. In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jem and Scout grow and mature through experiences. In To Kill A Mockingbird by Lee Harper, Scout and Jem grow and mature through experiences with Boo Radley. When she passed the Radley house for school, Scout felt sorry for Boo. â€Å"I sometimes felt a twinge of remorse when passing by the old place, at ever having taken part in what must have been a sheer torment to Arthur Radley† (Lee 324.) Scout had matured enough to know what they had done to try and communicate with Boo, had quite possibly been torment. She felt almost ashamed of their antics. After Bob Ewell had attacked Scout walked Boo back to the Radley house. â€Å"Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a person until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough† (374.) Scout had always wondered what kept Boo in the house, and now that she had walked around in his shoes a little bit she started to understand more. Jem took the verdict of the trail hard, and Scout struggled to understand. â€Å"Naw, Jem, I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks.†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ â€Å"If there’s just one kind of folks, why can’t they get along with each other? If they’re all alike, why do they go out of their way to despise each other? Scout, I think I’m beginning to understand something. I think I’m started to understand why Boo Radley stayed shut up in the house all this time. It’s because he wants to† (304.) A part of growing up is realizing that the world’s not a pretty place and not everyone’s a nice person. Jem realized this with the outcome of the trial, he knew the verdict was unjust and Tom was convicted guilty simply because of people’s racial prejudice. Jem wonders why and how they could have done it. He thinks about it and instead of using a silly child’s story as to why Boo stays in the house, he starts to think that maybe this injustice in the world is the reason why Boo stays in the house. He thinks that maybe Boo wants to stay in the house because he also thinks the prejudice and unjust views of society are unfair and discriminatory. In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jem and Scout grow and mature through experiences with Tom Robinson’s trial. After the verdict of the trial, Jem is angry at the injustice. †It was Jem’s turn to cry. His face was streaked with angry tears as we made our way through the cheerful crowd. â€Å"It ain’t right† he muttered† (284.) Jem knew that Tom was innocent, he also knew that everyone else knew he was innocent, yet because of their racial prejudice, Tom was convicted guilty. Jem see’s this injustice and is greatly upset by it. Jem had matured enough to know it’s not right when the majority of the adults there didn’t and Scout just brushed it off. The trial led to Jem maturing and knowing people aren’t always good people. Scout, Miss Maudie, and Aunt Alexandra were given the news about Tom’s death while Aunt Alexandra was hosting a tea party. â€Å"After all if Aunty could be a lady at a time like this, so could I† (370.) Instead of throwing a temper tantrum or pouting and crying, like a kid her age might, Scout decides to act with maturity and dignity, just like Aunt Alexandra and Miss Maudie and return to the tea party. After the Bob Ewell attack, Atticus talks to Scout about what happened. â€Å"Scout,† He said. â€Å"Mr. Ewell fell on his knife. Can you possibly understand?† . . . â€Å"Yes sir, I understand,† I reassured him. â€Å"Mr. Tate was right.† Atticus disengaged himself and looked at me. â€Å"What do you mean?† â€Å"Well, It’d be sort of like shootin’ a mockingbird wouldn’t it?† (370.) Scout, still a young child, was mature enough to understand the situation and reassure Atticus, who was probably under a lot of strain and stress that night. Also by using the analogy â€Å"it’s sort of like shootin’ a Mockingbird† Scout shows she paid attention to Atticus and Maudie when they to ld her that shooting mockingbirds is a sin. In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jem grows and matures through life experiences. Scout tried to fight Walter because he made her start off on the wrong foot at school. â€Å"Come on home to dinner with us Walter† he [Jem] said â€Å"We’d be glad to have you† (30.) Scout angry at getting in trouble, childishly tried to fight Walter. When Jem got her off of him, Jem invited Walter to eat lunch at their house with them. Jem understood why Walter couldn’t afford lunch and wanted to help him. After the trial Dill, Jem, and Scout visit Miss. Maudie. â€Å"There should have three little ones. It was not like Miss. Maudie to forget Dill, and we must have shown it. But we understood when she cut from the big cake and gave a slice to Jem. (288.) The trial is when Jem lost his innocence of childhood, his â€Å"coming of age† in a sense. In a way, he â€Å"killed a Mockingbird† because mockingbirds are innocent, and the trial â€Å"killed† Jem’s childhood innocence. Miss. Maudie knows this, hence why Jem gets a slice from the big cake, the â€Å"adult cake.† He had matured past, his own little cake, unlike Scout and Dill. Scout finds Dill under her bed after he ran away from his parents in Meridian. â€Å"Jem was standing in a corner of the room looking like the traitor he was. â€Å"Dill I had to tell him,† he said. â€Å"You can’t run three hundred miles off without your mother knowin’.†(188.) While Scout would have kept it quiet, and kept her friends secret, Jem was mature enough to know that nobody knowing where Dill was was dangerous and scary. He knew it was irresponsible of Dill and that he should tell Atticus and did. Jem didn’t do it to tattle he did it for Dill’s safety, like a mature adult. Scout and Jem grew and became more mature through the things they experienced, they used possibly bad experienced and learned how to act maturely from it. A part of growing up and â€Å"coming of age.†

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analysing The Advances In Recycling Environmental Sciences Essay

History of Waste Management. Waste is classified as anything that a individual or consumer does non desire anymore, and so throws off. Five hundred old ages BC, Athens initiated the first municipal shit in a waste direction effort. Waste could merely be disposed at least one stat mi from metropolis walls. During the Middle Ages waste disposal was at the exclusive discretion of the person. By 1388, the English Parliament placed a rigorous prohibition on waste disposal in public waterways and ditches, as it started impacting the wellness of British citizens. France had a similar quandary in 1400, when the sum of refuse outside the metropolis was piled so high, it interfered with the defence of the metropolis. At this point the authoritiess of both states stepped in and false duty of the wellness and safety of their citizens. Waste direction became a precedence ( 1 ) . During the Age of Sanitation, 1840, the British authorities assigned Ministers of Sanitation to happen a solution for sewerage disposal issues, which in bend brought attending to solid waste disposal. Solid waste disposal brought away the attack of the â€Å" Destructor. † This incineration system was built in Nottingham, England, in 1874 ( 1 ) . More than ten old ages subsequently, in 1885, America introduced its first incinerator to Governor ‘s island, New York. Birth of Recycling The new incinerator could roll up fat and oils from waste merchandises, which was so reused to do soap and tapers. Old shred were recycled to do paper and these machines besides generated heat and steam. However, despite the effectivity of the incinerators, a job of ocean dumping arose. Harmonizing to Herbert Land, writer of The McGraw-Hill Recycling Handbook, this attack was both economical and acceptable. Consumers had the outlook that if the waste could non be seen, it did non affair or have an consequence on anything. It was non until post World War II that a scientific apprehension of the environment grew. With the important post-war population growing, the long-run impact of dirt and H2O pollution became an issue ( 1 ) . Finally, by 1970, the Clean Air Act was written and society was mandated by jurisprudence to take part in a cleansing agent environment. On April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated and by 1971 Oregon passed the Bottle Bill. This was the start of the r euse / recycle method of waste direction ( 1 ) . Statisticss show that in 1980, Americans sent about 150 million dozenss of solid waste to landfills ( 4 ) . Peoples began to understand the importance of recycling. There are three grounds recycling has become of import to the wellness and wellbeing of both the environment and the people who live in it. First, and possibly most obvious, are selfless grounds – recycling has proved to protect and foster the environment. Second is the economic jussive mood associated with recycling – recycling is cheaper than solid waste remotion. Third is the legal considerations – authoritiess are publishing punishments to promote recycling ( 1 ) . Today, two decennaries later and with a planetary population growing of about two billion people, solid waste dumping on landfills have decreased by more than 50 million dozenss yearly. Benefits of Recycling Recycling takes something that is waste and makes it into something utile. Cities worldwide save 1000000s of dollars yearly by recycling alternatively of utilizing landfills. Landfills charge by the ton for waste disposal. Recent economic analysis show metropoliss generate three times more in gross per ton with recycling, as opposed to landfill disposal. Additionally, recycling besides generates six times as many occupations ( 5 ) . A survey conducted in St. Louis proved that recycling generates 16,000 occupations and more than $ 4 Billion yearly. Recycling utilizations fewer natural resources – without recycling, new merchandises have to be made, which uses and depletes these resources. In most instances, recycling besides reduces energy usage and costs. Recycling steel is cheaper than excavation for Fe ore, polishing it and doing a new merchandise. With plastics, nevertheless, it is cheaper to fabricate than to recycle. Recycling besides reduces pollution. Landfills are nesting evidences where chemicals blend and create toxic gases which contaminate land H2O supplies. This toxic procedure is called leachate. Wet refuse that decomposes without air gives of potent nursery gases methane and azotic oxide. More than half of waste stuffs at landfills are composed of organic solid waste ( wet refuse ) . Consumers today take more than 100 million dozenss of waste to landfills yearly. Recycling diverts about 32 per centum of that waste off from landfills, which equates to about 60 million dozenss less solid waste ( 4 ) . Pre- and Post Consumer Waste Pre consumer waste is waste that is reintroduced to the fabrication procedure without being used by a consumer. This would be faulty aluminium tins or paper fixingss from a mill. Post consumer waste is waste that has been used by the consumer, has fulfilled its intended intent, and is discarded for refuse or recycling. Post consumer recycled fibre ( PCF ) is a stuff made as a consequence of recycling station consumer waste ( 13 ) . Recycled points frequently have residue of other stuffs in it, for case, recycled paper may hold hints of ink. When the recycled merchandise is cheaper or weaker than the original station consumer waste, it is called down-cycling. When that recycled merchandise is superior to the original, it is called up-cycling ( 4 ) . Plastics and Polymers Harmonizing to the Environmental Protection Agency, plastics make up fifth part of all waste and recycling of plastics has increased in the past 20 old ages. Merely 3.5 per centum of all plastics are recycled, compared to 34 per centum of paper, 30 per centum of metal and 22 per centum of glass. These statistics are attributed to the fact that plastics are harder to roll up, since they are bulky, and they have to travel through a more time-consuming hand-sorting procedure. Seventy five billion lbs of plastic is produced yearly in the United States, most of which ends up on landfills. Additionally, plastics take up to 30 old ages to break up ( 7 ) . Plastics consist of a battalion of rosins and polymers, each with different utilizations. Polymers, derived from Grecian ‘poly ‘ ( many ) and ‘meros ‘ ( parts or units ) , are long ironss of molecules. Harmonizing to Dr. Ahmad Lotfi, senior lector at School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, ‘All plastics are polymers, but non all polymers are fictile. † Since polymers are non utile standing entirely, colorants and additives are added to it to do utile stuffs. Polymers are divided into two classs: thermosplastic polymers and thermoset polymers. The former can be heated and formed over and over once more. The latter undergoes a chemical alteration one time heated, making a 3-dimensional web. They can merely digest the warming procedure one time and can non be changed more than one time. Most plastics fall into the class of thermoset polymers and can digest merely one reuse ( 7 ) . Milk jugs are recycled to plastic for usage in t imber, alternatively of wood or steel, every bit good as playthings. Soda bottles are recycled and used as polyester rug or polyester terephthalate ( PET ) . PET is produced when the plastics go through a thorough procedure imposed by the Federal Drug and Food Administration, and one time converted to rug fibres ; PET polyester proves to bring forth more vivacious colourss and a greater opposition to discolorations ( 14 ) . PET is besides used for paintbrush bristles, drink containers and fiber stuffing for kiping bags and ski jackets. Additionally, it has merely been released that the U.S. World Cup association football New Jerseies will be made from recycled plastic bottles ( 11 ) . Most late, PET, made from 100 percent post-consumer flake, has been manufactured for polyester strapping. EREMA High tech Recycling has been the precursor in this procedure. The company states PET polyester strapping is stronger than its metal opposite number, and provides more snap which makes for effectual daze soaking up. The consequence is packaged goods remain integral through the full transportation procedure. Other benefits of PET strapping in contrast to steel, is that it wo n't corrode and has more rounded borders, which maintains the unity of the merchandise being shipped, every bit good as reduced hurts to PET strapping animal trainers. Production of PET strapping proves more cost-efficient than fabricating steel strapping and outperforms steel in its O degrees ( 14 ) . Additionally, Ohio based company, Advanced Recycled Plastic, recycles clay flaps into gum elastic mulch. The benefits are amazing and no negative has yet been found. Rubber mulch in comparing to wood mulch wo n't rinse off or disintegrate. It stays in topographic point and H2O can flux freely through the recycled gum elastic. Wood mulch need to be replaced every other twelvemonth, but rubber mulch stopping points for up to five old ages. Last, rubber mulch wo n't decompose or model, does non pull insects, and is non-toxic and odor free. It is besides cost effectual and odor-free ( 17 ) . Aluminum Aluminum tins have value. Research conducted in 2008 by Norman Crampton, states that an empty can is deserving two cents at the local bit pace. It is the lone family solid waste that pays for itself through the recycling procedure. A instance of 24 tins has a pecuniary value of 50 cents one time recycled. Crampton besides proved that one, post-consumer aluminium can, can be â€Å" re-melted, refashion, refilled and back on the shelf within 60 yearss, † ( 2 ) . The aluminium recycling procedure requires merely five per centum of the entire electric power it would take to do the can trade name new. Therefore, less power emits less C dioxide. Unlike fictile waste, tins are hence recycled to go the same thing they were before recycling. Cans are besides frequently up-cycled to fabricate new, eco-friendly furniture ( 4 ) . Jean Denim is recycled and reused as natural cotton fibre insularity. The insularity is besides 100 per centum recyclable. The insularity is made of 85 per centum station industrial jean cotton ( button and slide fasteners removed ) and 10 per centum boron-based fire retardent. Boron is a low toxic, natural mineral mined in California. Not merely is this insularity fire-safe, it besides slows the growing of fungus and casts and contains no thorns. With Ultra Touch, the aforesaid all-natural insularity, industry criterions have risen and ECO friendly constructing methods have become popular in new building. Leadership Energy and Environmental Design ( LEED ) is such an illustration. LEED has been named First Voluntary National Green Building Standard for extremely effectual, good maintained edifices ( 12 ) . LEED besides works hand-in-hand with Habitat for Humanity by providing insularity for new building. There are three recycled jean insularity makers in the universe ; Bonded Logic and Hickory Springs in the U.S. and Recovery Insulation Ltd in the United Kingdom. Recycled jean in the United Kingdom is besides used to do places. On the web site, one can subject an old brace of jean pants, pick out a shoe form and size, and have a usage brace of places made. All other stuffs on the places i.e. buckle and colloidal suspensions are besides recycled ( 15 ) . Tires Research conducted by Waste and Resources Programme ( WRAP ) in the United Kingdom, show that tyres can be recycled into roofing tiles. Recycling the tyres alternatively of disposing of it at a landfill will salvage 1000000s of dollars yearly ( 10 ) . Shoe maker, Simple Shoes, recycle auto tyres and so utilize it on the colloidal suspensions of their places. Not merely are the places lasting, and is the merchandise eco-friendly, production costs are drastically reduced. In add-on to the recycled gum elastic colloidal suspensions, the remainder of the places are besides made out of 100 per centum recycled stuffs, including hemp, paper, plastics and bamboo. They besides package their places in 100 per centum recycled, 100 per centum biodegradable carton boxes. In 2007 the company won the first of all time Footwear Plus green Award. Glass Glass recycling is more clip devouring than aluminium, jean and tyre recycling, as the bottles have to be separated by chemical composing and colour. Typically there are three classs for glass colourss: clear, for nutrient, drink, vino and spirits bottles ; green glass, for vino and beer bottles ; and brown glass, for beer and spirits bottles ( 16 ) . Due to the mass and substance of glass, it makes up a big portion of station consumer waste. Besides, other glass points such as visible radiation bulbs, imbibing spectacless and decorations are factored into to glaze equation. For every ton of glass recycled into new points, about 700 lbs of C dioxide is saved from being released into the ambiance. Similar to paper and tins, glass can be recycled to go the same thing it was before going station consumer waste. Recycling Procedures There are four types of recycling procedures considered ; primary, secondary, third and quaternate. Primary recycling uses stuffs that maintain similar characteristics of the original manufactured goods, like glass. Secondary recycling is less rigorous. It will utilize stuffs which can replace as something else. For case, it may utilize plastics to fabricate fencing stations which are typically made from wood or metal. Third recycling uses stuffs to do something wholly different from the original. An illustration would be utilizing fictile to do chemicals and fuels. Quaternate recycling converts plastic into energy through firing it. It is the most popular of all types of recycling due to the high heat content of plastic. Forms of Recycling In order to actuate consumers to recycle, assorted stairss have been put into topographic point to do the procedure more user-friendly. There are four popular recycling methods ; curbside, slump centres, redemption centres and sedimentation refund. Curbside makes it the duty of the consumer to screen recyclables and set it on the kerb where the metropolis will pick it up and administer to the appropriate recycling centres. Slump centres urge the consumer to present risky stuffs, like pigment, to denominate recycling centres. Buyback centres pay householders for big contraptions that they wish to recycle or recycle. Deposit refund motivates consumers to return an empty bottle to them for a refund, alternatively of throwing it in a trashcan ( 5 ) . Presently, the U.S. recycles approximately 30 per centum of all solid waste. European states like Austria and Germany recycle between 40- and 60 per centum of all their solid waste. Recycling Concluded Datas collected from different continents during different clip periods show that solid waste disposal can fleetly turn to go a job of wellness, environmental impairment and economical strain. Although solid waste direction provides some alleviation, the job of spliting landfills and unmanageable dirt taint pose a job. Manufacturing new goods quickly depletes already deteriorating natural resources. Population growing is inevitable and in order for future coevalss to populate happy and healthy lives, a solution to pollution is pressing. Recycling does merely that. It offers an ECO friendly, cost effectual declaration to many of the trials we face. With progresss in engineering and scientific discipline, world has developed a manner to recycle station consumer waste. Everyday points can, with small money and small hazard to the environment, be recycled to be used once more. New merchandises can be manufactured from old stuffs. For about any post-consumer merchandise, there is a new po ssibility in sight. This procedure of reuse, recycle, has proved to salvage states and metropoliss one million millions of dollars. Landfills are going smaller, which in bend lessens the menace of dirt taint and eventual wellness deductions for people. Natural resources like trees have a alteration to turn and in bend, woods are replenished. Recycling lessens the emanation of harmful gases typically associated with fabricating new merchandises. These these stairss work in concurrence to continue natural resources, and guarantee a healthy and clean Earth.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sonnet CXXX by William Shakespeare and To his coy mistress by Andrew Marvell Essays

Sonnet CXXX by William Shakespeare and To his coy mistress by Andrew Marvell Essays Sonnet CXXX by William Shakespeare and To his coy mistress by Andrew Marvell Paper Sonnet CXXX by William Shakespeare and To his coy mistress by Andrew Marvell Paper Essay Topic: Andrew Marvell Poems Poetry Firstly I will be analysing Sonnet CXXX by William Shakespeare. The poem has been written to send a message to poets, telling them that sonnets do not have to be unrealistic; Shakespeare also mocks traditional Elizabethan sonnets. The occasion is that Shakespeare believes in real love not falsely comparing women to god-like creatures. The sonnet was written in the Renaissance era. The sonnet is not traditional to other of that era because he turns traditional sonnets on their head by saying no such roses see I in her cheeks. The only traditional element of the poem is that it has structure of a traditional sonnet. In this poem Shakespeare deals with the theme of love for example Shakespeare uses Juxtaposition to show that traditional sonnet are unrealistic If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. Shakespeare said this to show realistic characteristics of women instead of false comparison. The emotion and feelings in the poem are not clear but towards the end, especially the rhyming couplets there is hints of love. Shakespeare poem has the traditional backbone of a sonnet of 14 lines and 10 syllables per lines. The sonnet follows an ABAB rhyming scheme with rhyming couplets at the end. Shakespeare has done this to draw attention to his sonnet; sonnets in the Elizabethan era were very popular with people so it had a much bigger fan base. The sonnet also follows Iambic Pentameter of stressed followed by unstressed. Shakespeares poetic devices are cleverly used like negative description Coral is far more red than her lips red this negative because traditional poems would hail the beauty of a women. Juxtaposition is also used to give a sense of reality instead of golden threads Shakespeare uses Black wires this effect is used to give the real image as well as shock the reader. The imagery of the poem has ionic symbols of love as well as a semantic field of nature for instance Sun, Roses, Coral and Perfume these words have been introduced to accentuate the realistic beauty of the dark mysterious women. I will now be looking at To his coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell, Marvell is a metaphysical poet who writes physical and spiritual attributes which are with logic. The poem was written in 17th Centuary therefore the language and vocabulary will be different. This poem is about a writer being rejected by the women he loves. The theme of the poem is love and how physical pleasure should be enjoyed due to times passing too quickly. This introduces the theme of transience for example Time winged chariot hurrying near this is used (I need HELP!!!!) The structure of the poem has 46 lines and 3 versus; this might be done to show the emotions in graver detail. The poem is written in rhyming couplets to give the poem a more fluid feel. For poetic device, Marvell uses hyperbole but thirty thousand to the rest. Marvell uses this to show how much in love is in. Marvell builds his arguments by saying If, So and But by using this method puts doubt in the lovers mind. The tone of the poem is very tongue in cheek; this is used to tease the mistress. The imagery of the poem is very striking, Marvell shocks the reader by saying worms shall try that, that long persevered virginity, and the writer said this to convince the mistress to change her mind. Harsh imagery is also implied especially in the third verse, Than languish in his chapt-slow power. In this section I will be closely comparing the subject, themes and style of Sonnet CXXX by William Shakespeare and to his coy mistress by Andrew Marvell. The subject of the two poems is mainly about the experience of love. The common elements of the poem are mainly the humour and reality of love. The style of the two poems is that they both have rhyming couplets but dont follow the same structure of lines and verses. Due to the both of the poems being written at the same era they have the same kind of language and vocabulary akin to Thy, Sunne and Musicke. The tones of the poems are completely different; Marvell poem is very tongue in cheek unlike Shakespeares negative sonnet. When the imagery of the two poems are compared with love they are similar for example Nor would I at lower rate, I think my love as rare. In comparison when compared with death and decaying The graves a fine and private place. My personal opinion of Sonnet CXXX by William Shakespeare is that it is very unique it shows how a real person will feel if they were in love. It also shows real characteristics of people and comparing humans as god-like creatures. My opinion of To his coy mistress by Andrew Marvell is a very humorous in certain lines and verses especially Till conversion of the Jews, the humour in the poem makes the reader to find out what is going to happen next. Marvell brings an element of surprise especially to the female readers Then worms shall try that long persevered virginity this is a surprise because its unexpected. The main reasons why To his coy mistress is better than Sonnet CXXX is that Marvell uses a vast assortment of poetic devices to express the writers thoughts, feelings and emotions. The imagery which I particularly enjoyed was the personification of time in Marvells poem like Times winged chariot it gives the poem a certain degree of urgency. Also the harsh imagery gave the poem a clearer, vivid picture. In Sonnet CXXX by William Shakespeare, the use of ionic symbols of love was strong and unique Coral is far more red than her lips red. The poem which I personally prefer is To his coy mistress by Andrew Marvell. I chose this poem because poem because it tells the unexpected and as I said above it shocks the reader, as well as shocking the reader it brings humour, in my opinion thats what Sonnet CXXX failed to do. But on the other hand Sonnet CXXX is a very unique and untraditional sonnet with it is own style which is hard to duplicate. With regards To his coy mistress you can understand the passion and commitment of the writer in the first and second verses like Two hundred to adore each breast. We understand how he feels because Marvell writes as if he is desperate for his lovers affection.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Great Gatsby1 essays

The Great Gatsby1 essays Why did Daisy choose Tom in the end In the novel "The Great Gatsby", Daisy Buchanan was faced with an enormous decision. She had to choose between Tom; her husband and Jay Gatsby; her lover. Gatsby seemed to be the ideal man of his time. Fabulously wealthy, handsome, charismatic and intriguing, he seemed to be able to offer everything a woman could want. All he wanted in return was Daisys complete unconditional love. Tom, on the other hand could offer Daisy money, security and freedom. Ultimately Daisy chose the latter. The roaring 20s was an era of total decadence. The first World War had ended and industry was booming. People were becoming millionaires overnight. There seemed to be no end in sight to the prosperity. Although people were becoming rich quickly, old money provided more privilege than new money. Tom Buchanan came from old money. He was a Westerner who was renowned in college for both his football skills and his supremely decadent lifestyle. The narrator states "His family were enormously wealthy, even in college his freedom with money was a matter for reproach-but now hed left Chicago and come East in a fashion that rather took your breath away: for instance, he brought down a string of polo ponies from Lake Forest." Daisy chose to marry Tom because of his wealth and power. Fitzgerald writes "There was a wholesome bulkiness about his person and his position and Daisy was flattered." He could offer Daisy prestige in addition to all the old money one could dream of. Gatsby had made his money by illegal means. He was a nobody from nowhere and although he was rich beyond belief, he was one of the hundreds of nouveau riche who lacked the cache of the old money set. Although Gatsby could offer Daisy romance, love, excitement and intrigue, her need for security freedom a nd money made her eventually choose Tom. In terms of security, Tom could offer much more than G ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

History of the Anemometer Wind Vane

History of the Anemometer Wind Vane Wind velocity or speed is measured by a cup anemometer, an instrument with three or four small hollow metal hemispheres set so that they catch the wind and revolve about a vertical rod. An electrical device records the revolutions of the cups and calculates the wind velocity. The word anemometer comes from the Greek word for wind, anemos. Mechanical Anemometer In 1450, the Italian art architect Leon Battista Alberti invented the first mechanical anemometer. This instrument consisted of a disk placed perpendicular to the wind. It would rotate by the force of the wind, and by the angle of inclination of the disk the wind force momentary showed itself. The same type of anemometer was later re-invented by Englishman Robert Hooke who is often mistakenly considered the inventor of the first anemometer. The Mayans were also building wind towers (anemometers) at the same time as Hooke. Another reference credits Wolfius as re-inventing the anemometer in 1709. Hemispherical Cup Anemometer The hemispherical cup anemometer (still used today) was invented in 1846 by Irish researcher, John Thomas Romney Robinson and consisted of four hemispherical cups. The cups rotated horizontally with the wind and a combination of wheels recorded the number of revolutions in a given time. Want to build your own hemispherical cup anemometer Sonic Anemometer A sonic anemometer determines instantaneous wind speed and direction (turbulence) by measuring how ​much sound waves traveling between a pair of transducers are sped up or slowed down by the effect of the wind. The sonic anemometer was invented by geologist Dr. Andreas Pflitsch in 1994.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Information Based Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Information Based Decision Making - Essay Example In general a decision is made depending on the situation and the issue. The decision made cannot be favorable for everyone in all circumstances. It may lead to improvement or adverse effects on the situation. The information from the concerned department is the important part of decision making process. A decision is made only after collecting the relevant information. Thus information plays a major role in any decision. As a strategic manager I should design a strategy that helps in the process of decision making. This strategy must incorporate the plans that improve the existing situation. The strategy should consist of step by step procedure. The data and information must be selected when using the information based decision making. The nature of the data is an important aspect of information based decision making. (Johnson, 2008).The decision can be made only based on the nature of data. To get the data the data source must be selected well in advance. Once the data source is selected the corresponding data can be retrieved from the specified source. The identification and selection of data involves ascertaining the nature of data, data selection criteria and analyzing the legal requirements of data collection and storage. These are outlined in the following steps. Data is generally given as an input to the corresponding information system. The raw data is processed in the system after which it is given as an output. This output is referred as the information. Data can be in the form of a text file, image, video or an audio. Hence the data can be in any format that is understandable by the respective information system. This data is processed to form complete information. Data is an abstract type of information. The data can be either quantitative or qualitative. The nature of data has gone through various phases of improvement. Due to the latest technologies and the advancements, data's nature is completely different when compared to the initial stages. The nature of the data and the information must be assessed so that the decision is made according to the nature and type of data. The type of data may also differ from one system to another. The decision will differ based on the type of data. The processed information is then analyzed after which the next step begins. Criteria for Data Selection Data selection is an important aspect of information based decision making. Data selection is done based on various criteria. The data must satisfy the criteria to enter in to the system. The data selection criter

Friday, October 18, 2019

Assignment com 008 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assignment com 008 - Essay Example Euphemistic language is commonly used to manipulate others. In involves using a smoother, less objectionable manner of presenting something, rather than a blunt or frank way of saying it. For instance, death can be referred to in a more polite manner such as departure from life or passing away. Euphemism can be used to make the rough edges of life smoother and make what is actually unbearable to be more bearable. Another aim of using euphemism is to make individuals sound more learned and to enhance their self-worthiness. On the other hand, if used to create misconceptions, euphemism can be a risky technique, for both the user and the recipient. For example, euphemism may lead to problem denial, which may hinder an individual from getting a solution. Other people may find it difficult to realize an issue, thus may go unresolved. The most dreadful of all euphemism is that used politically, since all positives and negatives are made either appropriate or inappropriate, depending on the issue at

HLT362V exercise 27 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HLT362V exercise 27 - Assignment Example As the hours of postnatal increase, the Systolic Blood Pressure also increases, which is a positive relationship. Postnatal age hours (x) which is the independent variable is positively related to the Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) i.e. as the postnatal age hour increases so is SBP. This can be observed also from the graph, the graph for Figure 2 B has a positive slope since the line extends from the lower left corner to the upper right corner and shows a positive relationship. This line shows that the increase in x (independent variable) is also associated with an increase in y (dependent variable). Thus, the independent variable postnatal age is used to predict the dependent variable of Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP). As the hours of postnatal increase, the Systolic Blood Pressure also increases, which is a positive relationship. Postnatal age hours (x) which is the independent variable is positively related to the Mean Blood Pressure (MBP) i.e. as the postnatal age hour increases so is MBP. This can be observed also from the graph; the graph for Figure 2 C has a positive slope since the line extends from the lower left corner to the upper right corner and shows a positive relationship. This line shows that the increase in x (independent variable) is also associated with an increase in y (dependent variable). Thus, the independent variable postnatal age is used to predict the dependent variable of Mean Blood Pressure (MBP). As the hours of postnatal increase, the Systolic Blood Pressure also increases, which is a positive relationship. Postnatal age hours (x) which is the independent variable is positively related to the Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) i.e. as the postnatal age hour increases so is SBP. This can be observed also from the graph; the graph for Figure 3A has a positive slope since the line extends from the lower left corner to the upper right corner and shows a positive relationship. This line

Thursday, October 17, 2019

MENO AND EUTHYPHRO'S DILEMMA Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MENO AND EUTHYPHRO'S DILEMMA - Coursework Example This explains the principal source of the dilemma. The dilemma can be related to how virtue and ethics are defined in Meno’s dialogue. The dialogue lacks a satisfactory definition of virtue and ethics. Meno provides a list of varieties of virtue. Socrates points out a weakness in this, that many people are mistaken about what is good and evil. He asks if it is possible to acquire good things virtuously for them to be truly good (Harriet 133). His questions reveal that he considers a successful definition as one that is unitary. The dilemma arising from the words, â€Å"I love her since she is beautiful, or is it that she is beautiful because of my love for her,† is that beauty is subjective in the first case. I may love her because I think she is beautiful, in the contrary another person may think she is ugly. In the second case, it would mean I lack the knowledge of knowing what is beautiful. In life, we still face Euthyphro’s dilemmas. For instance, what we consider good may not be so for others. In this case, goodness is subjective to our own liking. For instance, do I love my mother because she carried me in her womb for 9 months, or because she carried me in her womb for 9 months, I love my mother? In the first case, it means all persons love their mothers for this reason, which is not true. The second argument is also impractical because there are individuals who were carried for 9 months and they still hate their

Managed health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managed health care - Essay Example with American Medical Association (AMA) becoming a national force bringing awareness in 1900s (PBS), the call for advancement in medicinal procedures and the want to lure and maintain a healthy work force of organizations. This resulted in inelastic expenditure on health with establishment of Federal responsibility to ensure health security and devising of health insurance policies. There arose a shortage of health-manpower as demand for health facilities increased. More money was now officially (from 4.5% in the beginning to 15% currently, of the total budget) put into the making of the specialized doctors who demanded greater fee, breakthrough sophistication in medicine were taking place, and hospital expenses and profits were expanding till the point it became an integrated, privatized and corporatized system. Other important factors that contributed to the rising health costs included exploitation of fee-for-service method, general inflation in economy, greater demand of services as a result of greater and aging population (AWHP) and speculation over changing government policies. Managed-health-care, which took over as a result of exploitation of pay-as-needed method of health care programs, mostly sapped these factors of rising costs. Firstly, the appointment of third party kept the interest of both consumer and financier of the health benefit in view. It put the urgency and necessity of the service consumed under unbiased third party scrutiny, enabled cost effective group contracting with health-service providers and minimized the chances of exploitation with maximum consumer satisfaction. At the same time the service provider (hospital etc) were also brought to account for their charges which in turn reviewed the money minting privatization and brought the overall cost of health care in check. Consumer-driven heath care as the name suggests empowers the consumer to the health care program. It enables more space in decision making for the consumer, with

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

MARKETING PLAN REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MARKETING PLAN REPORT - Essay Example †¢ Accounts for a distributed market, for instance families, businesses etc. †¢ Center Parcs employs a wide range of promotions †¢ The organization treats its staff as the most important asset and recognizes them by promoting training and other initiatives that enhance their development (World Bank, 2006). Weaknesses †¢ The organization can only accommodate well-off customers †¢ There is a long lead time for future projects and/or developments †¢ The organization’s activities involve extensive use of natural landscape. †¢ Overreliance on weather despite the fact that the domes can provide heated water for swimming; but not for all the guests in the villages. Threats †¢ Complete focus on business customers may deter families †¢ Continued development is a threat to the environment †¢ Customers’ dependence on economic issues, for instance, the exchange rate etc †¢ Competitive prices from foreign holidays †¢ Existence of competitors such as Butlins. Opportunities †¢ Accommodating business customers †¢ Leasing out of all the facilities of the park †¢ Maximization of marketing opportunities via the use of the customers’ database (ITU 2007) †¢ Plenty of land for further development of more villages Being an organization in a market or rather field that has high demand, Center Parcs has found itself competing with other organizations that offer similar products and services. The main holiday service providers competing with Centre Parcs UK are Pontins, Butlins and Haven (Center Parcs 2012). ... customers Leasing out of all the facilities of the park Maximization of marketing opportunities via the use of the customers’ database (ITU 2007) Plenty of land for further development of more villages Threats Complete focus on business customers may deter families Continued development is a threat to the environment Customers’ dependence on economic issues, for instance, the exchange rate etc Competitive prices from foreign holidays Existence of competitors such as Butlins. Competitor Analysis Being an organization in a market or rather field that has high demand, Center Parcs has found itself competing with other organizations that offer similar products and services. The main holiday service providers competing with Centre Parcs UK are Pontins, Butlins and Haven (Center Parcs 2012). Based on the target market which primarily consists of families with young children as well as empty nesters (parents with grown children who have left home), these organizations pose a c ompetitive threat to Center Parcs. Most customers who visit live within a three-hour drive from the villages with a 60% repeat. A 60% chance of customers returning to the Center Parcs means that out of 10 at least 6 return (Center Parcs 2012). Butlins and Pontins offer stiff competition in this area since they offer similar services to those of Center Parcs’ but at a different level (World Information 2006). The Competitive Advantage The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix Product-market growth v. Market share High Low High Star – Center Parcs should maintain its marketing investments so as to keep realizing the prevailing profits. Problem child – this situation requires the organization to increase its marketing support in order to increase the market share. Low Cash cow – this situation

Managed health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managed health care - Essay Example with American Medical Association (AMA) becoming a national force bringing awareness in 1900s (PBS), the call for advancement in medicinal procedures and the want to lure and maintain a healthy work force of organizations. This resulted in inelastic expenditure on health with establishment of Federal responsibility to ensure health security and devising of health insurance policies. There arose a shortage of health-manpower as demand for health facilities increased. More money was now officially (from 4.5% in the beginning to 15% currently, of the total budget) put into the making of the specialized doctors who demanded greater fee, breakthrough sophistication in medicine were taking place, and hospital expenses and profits were expanding till the point it became an integrated, privatized and corporatized system. Other important factors that contributed to the rising health costs included exploitation of fee-for-service method, general inflation in economy, greater demand of services as a result of greater and aging population (AWHP) and speculation over changing government policies. Managed-health-care, which took over as a result of exploitation of pay-as-needed method of health care programs, mostly sapped these factors of rising costs. Firstly, the appointment of third party kept the interest of both consumer and financier of the health benefit in view. It put the urgency and necessity of the service consumed under unbiased third party scrutiny, enabled cost effective group contracting with health-service providers and minimized the chances of exploitation with maximum consumer satisfaction. At the same time the service provider (hospital etc) were also brought to account for their charges which in turn reviewed the money minting privatization and brought the overall cost of health care in check. Consumer-driven heath care as the name suggests empowers the consumer to the health care program. It enables more space in decision making for the consumer, with

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

All Ideas Derive from the Sense Experience Which They Copy. Discuss Essay Example for Free

All Ideas Derive from the Sense Experience Which They Copy. Discuss Essay All ideas derive from the sense experience which they copy. DISCUSS An empiricist would be in favour of this view as they believe that knowledge is gained through experience (a posterior). For example, John Locke believes that the mind is a blank slate, or tabula rasa, which becomes populated with ideas through sense experience – in order to create ideas and knowledge, we must have sense experiences. Hume, also an empiricist, argues that ideas are copies of sense data. He has a method which states that faint ideas can become stronger through a fresh sense experience – thus implying that all ideas do derive from the sense experience which they copy. He further backs up this idea through his negative view on the imagination, which in his words is â€Å"confined within very narrow limits†. His strong stance states that no idea can be constructed without any sense experience -anything that may seem like an idea built without sense-data is simply a combination of other ideas. I can give the example of a Golden Mountain. Such a thing can never be experienced, but we can have an experience of â€Å"gold† similarly to the fact that we can also experience a â€Å"mountain†, and through these separate ideas we can construct a singular hybrid idea. Hume also talks of the concept of ‘a time when nothing happens’. The concept is easily fathomable in the human mind and seems logical. He argues that, although no sense experience was required to have an idea of this concept, such a time is actually impossible to experience thus dismissing this illusive idea as something he refers to as ‘sophistry and illusion’. A huge criticism of the Empiricist view is the fact that we only experience sense-data rather than the world itself. This is best explained through the idea of Noumena/Phenomena, in which the phenomena is our perception of the world and the noumena is the actual world itself. The only way to experience the noumena would be through a sense experience – however this experience would simply be another phenomena, thus implying that experiencing the real world is impossible. If such a thing is impossible and if all knowledge is built on things that we cannot truly reach, then how can it be possible to back up the Empiricist view that all ideas derive from sense experience? However, an Empiricist might respond with the claim that it is probably highly unlikely that we are perceiving something completely different to the noumena. Both claims have no proof and can therefore only be as unlikely or likely as each other. Descartes discussed the possibility of an ‘Evil Demon’ who could be tricking us into believing that we exist when really we do not. However, as a religious man, he concludes that God would not let this happen. Therefore, as the argument is similar, Descartes might argue that it is highly unlikely that we are perceiving completely different to the noumena as God, who wouldn’t let us be tricked by an evil demon, would not let such a thing happen. A philosopher who might argue against the Empiricist view is Wittgenstein. He argues that â€Å"experience does not direct us to derive anything from experience†. He says that learning something cannot be done on sense experience alone – it also requires teaching or applying reason to. Plato may also back up the Rationalist view that not all ideas derive from the sense experience which they copy, as he believes that some ideas are innate, such as mathematical and logical truths. An example of this can be taken from his dialogue ‘Meno’ in which Socrates encourages an uneducated slave boy to work out a mathematical truth relating to the lengths of sides of squares. The boy can successfully solve the problem without any prior knowledge of mathematics – thus proving that such knowledge is innate and only requires thought to solve. Descartes also argues against the empiricist view that all knowledge is built from sense experience – he argues that reason must also be applied to gain knowledge. This can be explained through an example in which he states the idea of a solid piece of wax. The solid wax is accidentally left to melt by the fire and become liquid. If we were to build ideas solely on sense experience, we might think that the solid wax and melted wax were TWO separate ideas. However, by applying reason we can deduce that the two forms are in fact the same thing. This idea could be opposed with the argument that if one had never experienced the melting of wax, or been taught the facts of materials changing state, then they would in fact not be able to apply such reason. In summary of all points made in this essay, we can conclude that Empiricists such as Locke and Hume would argue in favour of the claim that all ideas derive from sense experience, and that Rationalists, e.g. Descartes and Wittgenstein, would argue in opposition. This is due to a variety of beliefs but mainly due to the foundations of Empiricism (a posteriori knowledge) and Rationalism (a priori knowledge). Personally, although I believe that most knowledge is built mainly from sense experience, I sway to the Rationalist’s side as I agree that knowledge must be taught or applied reason to – however, I’m not entirely convinced by the idea of innate knowledge such as the kind Plato suggests.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tesla Case Study

Tesla Case Study A CASE STUDY ON TESLA MOTORS Cost/Benefit Analysis In business, every decision that has to be made requires thorough evaluation. And one of the most convenient and straightforward methods to do this is through Cost/Benefit Analysis. In CBA, an estimation of the total value of all the benefits of a certain project is compared to that of the value of the costs that are needed in order to realize such project (Watkins, n.d.). In order for the assessor to come up with a better angle of comparison, these values must be expressed into a uniform unit of measurement. Usually, in computing CBA, the values of the cost and benefits are converted into their monetary value. Once all the costs and benefits of the project have been taken into consideration, comparison may be done. If the value of the benefits outweighs that of the costs, it means that the project is a worthwhile endeavour. The next point of evaluation would be the calculation of the break-even point – the time at which the benefits of the project pay off the costs (Hill, 201 2). It would be most preferable to have a shorter payback period. Generally, CBA helps business people to decide whether or not to undertake a particular project. It allows them to frame the best and appropriate project objectives. Furthermore, CBA can be used to prepare the necessary resources as well as develop before and after measures of the project’s success. For example, the move to promote more ecological operations and processes for the company may need a Cost/Benefit analysis to determine the probability of its realization. As the corporate world is becoming more and more aware of the effects of Climate Change, companies are looking to implement environment-friendly practices in their offices. The same holds true for huge manufacturing companies. CBA allows the companies to evaluate probable gains and losses that these actions may bring. Tesla Motors: A Case Study in Environmental Impact Background and Operations of Tesla Motors Leading the advent of a more sustainable transportation system and its innovations, Tesla Motors has established quite a reputation in the automotive industry. Since its establishment in 2003, the company has grown to be the biggest manufacturer of electric cars in the market. It has contributed more than 50,000 cars in roads all over the world as of today (Tesla Motors, n.d.). Its main goal is to create a transportation system that is more environment-friendly and sustainable. Electric cars are charged at home and do not require refuelling of gasoline unlike the cars designed by other manufacturers. Quite expectedly, these zero-emission cars were not easily accepted in the market as they were deemed impractical, not to mention consumers were not really impressed with their rather tacky design. Fortunately, Tesla Motors was able to flip that equation. By releasing their trailblazer electric sports car for the high-end market, the Tesla Roadster, they were able to capture the attention of car enthusiasts and change the face of the green car market. After releasing the Roadster, Tesla pushed for more space in the industry by releasing their luxury sedan, the Tesla Model S in 2012. More and more consumers are looking to buy electric cars because of the innovations that were done by the company. In fact, reservations for their next model releases are already piling up. There is much anticipation for the Tesla Model X and Model 3 releases. How Green is a Tesla Green Car? The very purpose of an electric car is to promote energy innovation; and Tesla Motors’ goal is to achieve this without causing any negative impact on the environment. However, a new technology such as the innovative green car production cannot be made to pass without being thoroughly criticized by the public. Green cars are, by principle, more environment-friendly than the conventional fuel-based cars. The process, by which it is being manufactured, on the other hand, says otherwise. Furthermore, green cars do run on electricity. But, how is electricity being processed? Does it not come from coal and petroleum too? All things considered, is a Tesla green car green after all? The company admits that the degree of being environment-friendly of their cars take the Model S for example, mostly depends on where and how often the car is being driven. In the US, each state has a different mix of energy sources that basically goes into their grid. In other words, a â€Å"cleaner† source of electricity makes a Model S a more environment-friendly car. Generally, it is still cleaner than the internal-combustion design of their competitors in terms of emissions-per-mile; considering the efficiency of battery-powered cars in converting stored energy into a useful form (Oremus, 2013). Tesla Motors and the Campaign for Environmental Sustainability Tesla Motors have established its campaign to promote a greener personal transport system through its electric vehicles; but how does it impact the environment in the industrial context? Are its processes and operations considered as environment-friendly? The company is very much aware of the fact that they are indirectly releasing carbon emissions through power plants – considering that electricity is the main power source of the vehicles. This is the reason why Tesla moves to promote the absolute removal of indirect carbon emissions by using Supercharger Stations that only uses grid electric power from solar panels (Walsh, 2014). Moreover, Tesla is teaming up with SolarCity to provide electric car owners an option to charge their cars using solar panels in their respective homes. This is like hitting two birds with one stone. By eliminating the need for coal-based electricity source, they are indirectly reducing carbon emissions in the atmosphere; and they are promoting the use of renewable energy source at the same time. Tesla is basically solving the world’s dependence on gas. Through their revolutionary innovations in electric vehicle technology, they have addressed an issue that has been thought as an improbability for many years. By making more convenient adjustments in their electric cars, and at the same time proving that electric cars are indeed effective, Tesla has convinced more consumers to patronize their product. The company is winning more and more battles as they advance into bigger ventures. In order to cater to their growing consumer demands, Tesla is building their very first Gigafactory. Panasonic will be a huge investor in this project, along with Tesla’s other major partners. The best thing about this gigafactory is the company’s plan to run it mainly on wind and solar energy. Nevada is the perfect site for the factory because it is where the biggest solar power plant in the world is located. Tesla does not only serve as a leader in electric car technology, it is also becoming a model for other companies to consider more environment-friendly processes. Coal mining and processing has created many environment-related issues and are still causing problems in many places around the world. If Tesla becomes successful in eliminating the need for non-renewable sources of energy in order to generate electricity, it can change the face of the automobile industry forever. Not only will it dramatically reduce the carbon emissions that are released to the atmosphere, it will also eliminate the issues that are brought about by the processing of electricity that is coming from natural resources. Tesla Motors and the Competitive Industry Of course, Tesla Motors is not the only company that has entered the green car market. Even though the industry for green cars is not that big compared to the conventional automobile market, it can be said that competition is not too lax. In fact, Toyota, Ford, Nissan, and Honda are considered as the biggest competitors for Tesla. Audi, Volkswagen, and BMW are looking to join the green car industry soon. And these are pretty huge companies. Can Tesla keep its place in the industry without being squeezed out by giant car manufacturers? What is its competitive advantage? Unlike the rest of the automobile manufacturers, Tesla is 100% in the green car industry. Thus, their focus is only within that market. Research and development is solely dedicated for this purpose, allowing the company to create better innovations. Also, Tesla has about 5-year head start over the other companies. While other companies are still building their green car designs, Tesla is already polishing its own. The future of the automotive industry is leaning towards the utilization of renewable sources of energy. This basically means that other companies who are on the other side of the industry are at a huge disadvantage. Oil is about to run out; but solar power is unlimited. Sooner or later, they will have to shift to a more sustainable source of energy. Tesla Motors and the Future of Green Car Technology At the moment, Tesla’s priority is to maximize its production in order to meet the demands for the Model S and Model X in the market. They are having troubles in meeting customer demands with their very limited production. But the public can rest assured that Tesla will not stop creating better innovations for their products. Once the gigafactory has been installed, Tesla’s next focus will be on the development and improvement of automated driving technology. As a matter of fact, the company’s CEO, Mr. Elon Musk has announced the release of their partially self-driving vehicle by 2017 (Boyadjis, Rassweiler, Brinley, n.d.). As the technology for zero-emission cars progress, the issues regarding the automobile companies’ impact on the environment is being addressed gradually. Someday, there will come a time when vehicles will solely depend on solar power – among other renewable energy sources. It may not totally solve Global warming, but it will help the world get there one step at a time. References Boyadjis,M., Rassweiler,A., Brinley,S. (n.d.). Object moved. Retrieved from Hill,R. (2012, September). Attention Required! | CloudFlare. Retrieved from Oremus,W. (2013, September 9). How green is a Tesla? Electric cars’ environmental impact depends on where you live. Retrieved from Tesla Motors. (n.d.). About Tesla | Tesla Motors. Retrieved from Walsh,T. (2014, November 1). Investing in Socially Responsible Companies: Tesla Motors Inc. Retrieved from Watkins,T. (n.d.). An Introduction to Cost Benefit Analysis. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Ecstasy, the Brain, and Serotonin (MIA) :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Ecstasy, the Brain, and Serotonin (MIA) 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), or ecstasy, is a synthetic, psychoactive drug with stimulant and hallucinogenic properties. Ecstasy is an often talked about drug due to its recent popularity and rapid spread amongst teenagers especially. Many newspapers and magazines have featured articles in the past 5 years highlighting the danger of this easily made drug, and its rampant use in the club/rave scene of almost all Western countries. The complete effects of ecstasy are still unknown, although much research has been produced that shows the deleterious effects of the drug on the brain. Ecstasy is also controversial because the content of pills varies widely; buyers and sometimes sellers don't really know what each pill consists of (1). The results of a survey published in 2002 set out with the purpose of examining the prevalence and patterns of ecstasy use among college students, and to determine characteristics, associated behaviors, and interests of ecstasy users. These resu lts showed that from 1997-1999, ecstasy use increased significantly in every college subgroup except for noncompetitive schools. The variable most strongly associated with ecstasy use was found to be marijuana. In terms of social context, MDMA users were more likely to spend large amounts of time socializing, attend residential colleges, and belong to a fraternity or sorority. The first study that provided direct evidence that chronic use of ecstasy causes brain damage was published in 1999. The study used advanced brain imaging techniques (PET scan) to show that MDMA harms neurons that release serotonin, a chemical that is thought to play an important role in memory, among other functions. The PET scans showed significant reductions in the number of serotonin transporters, the sites on neuron surfaces that reabsorb serotonin from the space between cells after it has completed its work. The lasting reduction of serotonin transporters occurred throughout the brain. This study and others suggest that brain damage and the amount of MDMA ingested are directly correlated (2). But what are the functional consequences? The functional consequences of ecstasy use have just begun to be explored in the past few years. Another study, published in 2000, found that heavy ecstasy users (30-1000 occasions) as opposed to non-ecstasy users, reported significantly higher scores on tests for somatisation, obsessionality, anxiety, hostility, phobic-anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, poor appetite, an restless or disturbed sleep. Another interesting effect of MDMA found was a significantly higher degree of impulsivity.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sept 11 2001 Attacks and Cover Up Essay -- essays research papers

Sept 11 2001 Attacks Throughout history there have occurred many tragic events. On Sept. 11, 2001 an unforgettable event occurred, and will be remember throughout the ages of the United States history. On the tragic day of 9/11 a day that will be unforgettable, the unthinkable happened. The terror stuck the heart of New York City, two planes crashed into the world trade center and total chaos occurred, and lives where lost, and many injured. The terror didn’t end there, other plane hit The Pentagon. Thousands of lives were lost in a single morning, people scatter for help and to be saved, and some died trying to save them. On the morning of September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. Each team of hijackers included a trained pilot. The hijackers crashed two of the airliners (United Airlines Flight 175 and American Airlines Flight 11) into the World Trade Center in New York City, one plane into each tower and resulting in the c ollapse of both buildings soon afterward. A nearby church and the rest of the World Trade Center complex's 7 buildings were also destroyed or damaged beyond repair. A third airliner (American Airlines Flight 77) was crashed into the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia. Passengers and members of the flight crew on the fourth aircraft (United Airlines Flight 93) attempted to retake control of their plane from the hijackers, that plane crashed into a field near the town of Shanks Ville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania. In addition to the 19 hijackers, 2,973 people died, another 24 are missing and presumed dead. But I think there’s more behind the story. Despite their claims of having been taken unawares and with complete surpr... ...ely following 9/11, and after he emerged from hiding, President Bush lavishly praised his accomplices in the FBI and warned off those who might dare to question or criticize the agency. Moreover, although he had grounded all commercial and private jets, he made one critical exception: The bin Laden family, with whom he and his father had personal and financial ties, were allowed to escape questioning and the U.S. and to fly back to Saudi Arabia. Both President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney also began threatening those who were suggesting that the events leading up to 9/11 should have been anticipated, and both Bush and Cheney urged Senate and House Republican leaders and Democratic Majority Leader Tom Daschle to block any investigation into the events of Sept. 11. The cover up began well before 9/11. The cover up continues to this day.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Three Day Road: Character Development

The two main characters in the novel â€Å"Three Day Road† by Joseph Boyden; Xavier Bird and Elijah Weesageechack, have many key differences that are illustrated throughout the novel. Xavier is reserved and visceral, while Elijah is self-assured and talkative. Xavier was raised by his Aunt Niska for the Majority of his childhood, opposed to how Elijah was raised in Moose Factory by nuns at a residential school. These factors hold an important responsibility on their personalities and the way that they think and make decisions. The three key differences between them that are paramount to the story and the themes of the novel are; firstly their respect for their Oji-Cree culture, secondly their respect and love for human life, and lastly their personalities. The differences in their personalities create positive chemistry back in their homeland of Canada, but when they are sent to Europe to fight in World War One, their relationship is put to the test. An important difference between Elijah and Xavier is the difference in their respect for their Aboriginal culture. Respecting their Oji-Cree culture is paramount to Xavier, while it is much less important to Elijah. An example of Xavier’s close association with his aboriginal culture can be seen through the following quote, â€Å"All of them stare down at me. I look up, sitting cross-legged with one of the horses sprawled beside me, its head on my lap. I look like I’ve been painted red. The smell of blood is heavy. It covers the wooden walls, the floor, the straw upon the floor. Elijah sees that one of my hands rests on the floor with my skinning knife in it. The horse’s neck gapes open along its big artery. (Page 189) This example shows Xavier’s connection to his aboriginal culture because having respect for animals is a major part of the Oji-Cree morals. In this exact scene Elijah was willing to shoot the horses, which shows a lack of respect for the animal, which goes against the morals of his aboriginal heritage. A second key example of how Xavier and Elijah differ when it comes to their aboriginal culture is seen through Elijah’s willingness to assimilate into European culture. In the novel Elijah states, â€Å"â€Å"Jolly good night for a little snooping, eh, Thompson? Elijah says. Thompson shakes his head at the words, and his teeth are white almost to a glow. â€Å"You do a better British accent than a Brit†, he says. † (Page 137) Elijah’s readiness to develop an English accent is in stark contrast to the fact that Xavier refuses to assimilate into the European culture. The third example of how Xavier and Elijah are different in the way they treat their aboriginal heritage is seen when the two of them are on their way to Toronto and they sell their canoe to get some extra money so they can afford new clothes. These new clothes are a necessity because they need to blend into their new environment to a certain extent. The following quote depicts the moment perfectly, â€Å"â€Å"When Elijah strolls out, I laugh. He has chosen a black suit and stiff, high white collar. In the mirror he looks like a preacher. This appeals to Elijah† (Page 142). In the scene, it is obvious that Xavier purchases his clothing out of necessity, while Elijah purchases his new clothes because it is appealing to assimilate into the new Canadian culture they are about to be immersed within. The most important part of the quote is the final sentence, which states, â€Å"This appeals to Elijah†. The fact that it appeals to him proves that he has interest in being assimilated into the Canadian society. Through the example presented it is blatant to see that Xavier has respect for his Oji-Cree culture, while Elijah has a lack of respect for it. A second example of how Elijah and Xavier differ is seen through their different views of brutality and respect towards other people’s lives. Xavier has a lot of respect for humans and their lives and due to this he kills out of necessity. On the other hand, Elijah enjoy killing humans and does it for the sake of sport. A perfect example of how Xavier and Elijah differ in regards to the respect of human lives is seen in the subsequent quote, â€Å"I jump to my feet before I know that I do it and approach Elijah with balled fists. Then I find myself reaching for my knife. But what he said makes me gag and I kneel down and stick my finger down my throat. The contents of my stomach come out in a slimy glob†. Page 310) This example highlights the fact that Xavier isn’t even willing to joke about eating German citizens, while Elijah doesn’t only find it funny he can’t understand why Xavier would take it so incredibly seriously. Elijah’s lack of respect for the people he kills shows a vicious brutality that is not seen in Xavier Bird. A second example of how Xavier and Elijah’s personali ties contrast can be seen through Elijah’s thirst to kill people. Elijah’s obsession over carnage can be highlighted in the following excerpt, â€Å"In the long hours of hunting Elijah tries to understand what is growing on him. He talks to me about this through the nights we spend out in the damp and mud. Mist rises from craters and swirls in the stink. In the end, the answer that comes is simple. Elijah has learned to take pleasure in killing† (Page 283). This quote is an incredible example of Elijah’s brutality because it is not only seen through his actions, but also his thought process. It proves that Elijah is not just killing for necessity he has actually gone mad. This highlights the difference between the two characters because Xavier strictly kills so he can survive through the war. The final exemplar in regards to Brutality and respect for human life can be emphasized by the connection that the two main characters have with their comrades. The following quote accentuates this fact, â€Å"He opens his eyes and looks up at Elijah. Elijah raises the wood in both hands and swings it down hard as he can onto Grey Eyes’ forehead† (Page 340). This exemplar distinctly shows the variance in Elijah’s connection with his comrades in comparison to Xavier relationship with his comrades. Xavier doesn’t have the ability to speak as well as Elijah, but he has a much stronger emotional connection with the people he fights with. When looking at Elijah, it undisguised that he doesn’t have a strong emotional connection with any of his comrades and if there is connection at all it is strictly to use them. Elijah’s closest friend in the war other than Xavier was Grey Eyes and he was willing to kill him so he could get away with the crimes he had committed. In conclusion, Xavier puts his comrades and the people he is fighting against in high regard and has a serious respect for them, while Elijah just wants to eliminate every problem that confronts him; he doesn’t care how he does it. The third and final example between the two characters that has a major effect on the story and the key themes of the novel are their personalities. As stated in the opening paragraph, Xavier is reserved and visceral, while Elijah is self-assured and talkative. Xavier was raised by his Aunt Niska for the Majority of his childhood, opposed to how Elijah was raised in Moose Factory by nuns at a residential school. These differences in upbringing play a distinct role in how the two of them make decisions, and how closely they hold onto their aboriginal culture. It is clear that the chemistry of their friendship works in the setting of the Northern Ontario woods, but it fails to follow through when they fight in World War One. An example of a difference between the two characters is seen in the way that Xavier is much more a quiet character, he doesn’t have much to say because his English isn’t very strong. A subtle yet important example of this is seen in the ensuing quotation, â€Å"†So you’re an Indian, then? † he asks. I nod. â€Å"You’re pretty short for an Indian, ain’t ya? The others laugh. † (Page 23) Xavier’s trouble with the English language is highlighted in the excerpt because all he does is nod. This makes life in Europe incredibly awkward for Xavier. This is in blatant contradistinction to Elijah because he thrives in this type of situation. Elijah’s verbose nature can be examined in the following passage, â€Å"He began talking this way to get the others to laugh, but he likes it now. Makes him feel respectable. He told me there’s a magic in it that protects him. (Page 137) Elijah’s ability to speak English fluently and to adapt the way he talks so that he has an English accent makes him much more popular with their comrades. Elijah’s upbringing has an effect on his appeal for European culture because instead of being brought up in the wilderness he is brought up in a residential school by nuns. Giving him a much different outlook on their culture than Xavier. The final example of how Elijah and Xavier differ in terms of personality is seen best in the following passage, â€Å"â€Å"I wish I could fly like that,† Elijah says to me in Cree. I wish I could fly like that, like a bird,† he repeats, staring up like a little boy. â€Å"Maybe a pilot will take me up sometime. † â€Å"Me, I’m happy to stay on the ground on my belly in the dirt,† I answer. â€Å"Thinking about falling from up there makes me sick†Ã¢â‚¬  (Page 164). This passage highlights the difference between their adventurousness. Elijah’s willingness to go up in a plane can be correlated with his courageousness in battle. Xavier’s contentment with being on the ground can be correlated with his timid nature socially and on the battlefield to a certain extent. This quotation proves that Elijah has a much more adventurous personality than Xavier. In cessation, Elijah and Xavier are incredibly different people with personalities that are nearly opposites and this ends up having an extreme effect on the plot and the themes of the story â€Å"Three Day Road†. In conclusion, the two main characters in the novel â€Å"Three Day Road† by Joseph Boyden; Xavier Bird and Elijah Weesageechack, have many significant differences that are illustrated over the course of the novel. As shown with the supporting points above, Xavier is reserved and visceral, while Elijah is self-assured and talkative. Xavier was raised by his Aunt Niska for the majority of his childhood, opposed to how Elijah was raised in Moose Factory by nuns in a residential school. These factors that affect their personalities have major impacts on the three main differences that lie between them. These differences are, firstly their respect for their Oji-Cree culture, secondly their appreciation and love for human life, and lastly how they carry themselves throughout the novel. The differences between them have a positive influence on their relationship when they are in Canada, but in Europe, these differences end up destroying their friendship.